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Global Unconventional and Shale Gas Plays Forum (Vienna, 14th-16th February 2011)

Posted By asikora On December 15, 2010 @ 9:54 am In Aktualności,Featured(info na dole),Fotonews,News & Events (info górne),Prezentacje | No Comments

Andrzej Sikora, CEO Energy Studies Institute  among  speakers during “Global Unconventional and Shale Gas Plays Forum“  (Vienna, 14th-16th February 2011).

“All speaker sessions were  highly interesting and relevant to the current unconventional gas situation we face in Europe.

We could watch  i.e. Prof. Stanisław Rychlicki, President of the Supervisory Board of POGC in Poland and   Michael Darowski, Senior Associate at Hogan Lovells to lead ‘Legal Necessities for Shale Success”.

Here is a link to AGENDA [1]

Below you can find TOPIC to be covered by Andrzej Sikora:

Does Russia have the power to make unconventional uneconomical?

  • EU-RUSSIA ENERGY DIALOG based on mismatched forecasts
  • Do we observe new Russian Energy Policy?
  • Why EU-27 is not still ready for common European Gas Strategy?
  • How long Gazprom will be the dominant natural gas supplier to the majority number
    of European countries?
  • Europe’s need for Russian gas-political pricing
  • Will unconventional gas break the trend
  • Is Poland ready to lead the European quest for gas independence?


Participants during conference.


… Andrzej Sikora is starting lecture.


Does Russia have the power…?

Presentation delivered by Andrzej Sikora can be download:  SIKORA_ISE_VIENNA_20110215 [5]

Article printed from ISE: http://www.ise.com.pl

URL to article: http://www.ise.com.pl/aktualnosci/news/global-unconventional-and-shale-gas-plays-forum-vienna-14th-16th-february-2011

URLs in this post:

[1] AGENDA: http://www.ise.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/OG1711.pdf

[2] Image: http://www.ise.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/20110215_Sikora.jpg

[3] Image: http://www.ise.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/20110215_Sikora_A.jpg

[4] Image: http://www.ise.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/20110215_Sikora_A_WIEDEN.jpg

[5] SIKORA_ISE_VIENNA_20110215: http://www.ise.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/20110215_ISE_VIENNA.pdf

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