ENTSOG EEF dinner-debate, 12.10. 2011 – Brussels
European Energy Forum zaprosiło Prezesa Zarządu ISE do wzięciu udziału w roboczym spotkaniu (debata sponsorowana przez ENTSOG) 12 października 2011 w Brukseli, poświęconemu TYNDP 2011-2020.
Speaker: Stephan Kamphues, ENTSOG President
“Since its first edition in December 2009, ENTSOG’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) has become an integral part of the new gas market environment. As a long-term outlook it has to cope with lots of uncertainties. As a document covering interests of many different stakeholders, it has to maintain a balance and the European perspective.
Every new edition will bring improvement and slightly different perspective of the future embedded in the used scenarios. This will build a history of futures which will sooner or later be confronted with the reality and will teach us better. Read it as a scientific paper or a detective story, one thing is clear; it is an outlook not a crystal ball”.
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